
    Cybernetic Ventures is a curated network of

    founders, entrepreneurs and investors

    We focus on the organizational development of viable startup and scale-up organizations based on Systems Theory and
    Management Cybernetics.

    Our goal is to empower the best entrepreneurs with Ressources, Network and Know-how.

  • How it works



    Sign up below to join our network.



    Engage in our channels and events.



    Benefit from the exchange with others.

  • A new way - based on our core beliefs

    Due to the confluence of technology and biology, the central systems of our global society face tremendous change and exponential transformation, in a way and speed never seen before. Those changes cause massive disruption - but are a chance to shape the world in a positive way for the next generations.


    However, most organizations today are built for a linear, reductionist, hierarchical and centralized world. We believe this is a model of the past. Viable organizations of the future will need to be driven by variability, openness, speed, transparency and risk-taking.


    We believe a new way of thinking - a cybernetical way of thinking - and a new style in management is necessary to create the organizations of the future. We are working with people who share our view of the world and are willing to build exponential organizations.

  • Your benefits


    Discuss your obstacles, challenges and get feedback, tips and best practices from peers and experts.


    Get to know industry experts and peers through our online channels or directly through our events.


    Curated books, articles and ressources on our focus areas around management cybernetics and leadership.


    Seperate channels for recruiting, job openings and other HR related content. Get access to top talent.